Sunday, September 30, 2012

Arriving soon

October is an exciting month for Lulu because in just a couple weeks, maybe sooner, she will become a big sister!  Here is a photo collage of my expanding belly over the past several months (22 - 38 weeks).  We can't wait for his arrival!  


Friday, September 7, 2012

Nursery school

Yesterday was a BIG day for Lulu ... it was her first day of nursery school!!  Not many two year olds handle changes very well, so it's been hard for Lulu to be away from home (koko, her pacifier, and mommy!), but slowly but surely I am confident that she will begin to love her new friends, teachers, and hopefully school in general.  

Hard to believe this was the same little girl only two years ago ...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Concert number two

Summer 2012

Although we haven't been very good at blogging, Lulu and I have been keeping ourselves pretty busy this summer ... here's a photo collage of what we've been up to!

We visited Mamine and Papinou in Marseille and spent a lot of time in the pool.

Lulu got her first haircut (luckily her curls didn't disappear)!  

And Emily came to visit us!

We have a busy Fall ahead of us: Lulu turns two, starts nursery school, and we're eagerly anticipating the arrival of Lulu's little brother mid-October!  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence day

Lulu wishes you all a very happy 4th of July in her red, white and blue!!!