Sunday, May 29, 2011

Farewell, Avenue G

After seven years, mom and dad are finally saying farewell to Danville, PA.  They made the most of their time there, but it is time to say goodbye. 

They've packed their bags and tomorrow they're hitting the road to head back to the buckeye state.  Oh how they've missed you, Cleveland!   Now, if we could just convince an airline to start up direct flights between London and Cleveland ...

See you in 1 week! 

Friday, May 27, 2011

The chase

Although I usually don't like to post more than once a day, I thought this video of Lulu trying to run away from me was too cute to wait!

It's raining, it's pouring

Since our arrival in London, almost 4 months ago, everyone has said this spring's weather is uncharacteristically mild and dry.  We've had the occasional rain shower, but nothing compared to the wet springs we were used to in NYC (and that are apparently typical in London).  And if you recall, several blog posts back I said that it only drizzles here, yet the Brits say it's pouring?  Well, yesterday's weather proved me wrong!

Through the skylights in our kitchen, Lulu and I watched buckets of rain pour down, while thunder clapped in the distance.  This took place for much of the afternoon, until finally it all ended with a hard-hitting hail storm. 

Although it was fun to cuddle up with Lulu to watch the storm, if this is typical London weather, we're going to have to find a way to beat the blues!  And hopefully the long stretch of warm, sunny weather the past couple months doesn't rob us of a legitimate summer. 

Our patio during the hail storm

Monday, May 23, 2011

Three years

Three years ago, Romain and I tied the knot at NYC's City Hall.  Hard to believe it's been that long but as they say, time flies when you're having fun.  Happy (civil) anniversary, Romain!! 

Lulu picked out some peonies for us to bring home for the occasion.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekend activities

This weekend, in between visits to see Clara and Elodie, Lulu practiced her yoga moves ....

... crawled all over the floor, under the kitchen table ...

 ... and got caught by mommy... 

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Welcome baby

Thanks to Aunt Hilary and Uncle Axel, Lulu has another cousin who arrived early this afternoon ... welcome to the world baby Elodie!  We can't wait to meet you.

Congratulations Axel, Hilary, and (BIG sister) Clara!!

10 day old Elodie with Papinou, Clara, and Hilary (mum)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

True love

Lulu loves her pacifier.  So much so that I've managed to get her to start crawling forward to be reunited with it! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anticipated arrivals

We're storing up our energy for the next few weeks, so didn't do too much this weekend.  Here's the line up: Mamine arrives next weekend, Lulu's second cousin is expected to make her debut the 26th, Papinou arrives the following weekend, and then Grandma and Grandpa come to visit in early June.  One exciting arrival after another and we can't wait! 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Let's eat cake

Lulu and I had a party today with Hilary and Kelli that included a chocolate cake.  It looked like one big peppermint patty ... unfortunately no peppermint.  Maybe next time! 

When I told Bea I was making this cake, her response was: "you are such a SAHM!!!!! i can't believe you're baking a chocolate cake."  Alas, the baking bug is still in me.  Don't worry Solenne, I promise to stop with enough time so you still recognize me at your wedding!  :)

No, as much as she wanted to eat the whole cake,
I was a mean mom and didn't let her. 
Chocolate cake will be introduced on September 5th with a candle ...

Monday, May 9, 2011

What we're missing

For now, as I'm sure this list will evolve over time, this is what we're missing from NYC. 

10.  J Crew , including Crewcuts (unless you want to pay ridiculous prices from Net A Porter)
9.  Baby Gap sale rack
8.  Swiffers
7.  CVS - Boots just isn't the same
6.  Good beef ... you can't beat the taste and consistency of U.S. beef
5.  Cheap mani/pedis (with Essie polish)
4.  Anastasia Brow bar
3.  Window screens (yes, my European friends, there are flying bugs here, and even if they don't bite you, they love to bite me)
2.  Sesame seed bagels
1.  Chopped salads*

*NB: family and friends are obviously #1, but that goes without saying

Lulu sporting an outfit from the Baby Gap sale rack in NYC

Sunday, May 8, 2011

All about the Palace

Thus far, London has done a good job casting its spell on us; this week's weather - minus a few bouts of morning rain - left little to be desired.  Lulu and I broke out our SPF 50 and a blanket and had two picnics at Fulham Palace.  Just because we can't get enough, we took another trip there today with Papa.  We're loving the sunshine and we love Fulham Palace! 

I was hoping to wake up this morning to the sweet sound of Lulu's voice calling out "mama" in the spirit of Mother's day, but no such luck.  She did, however, give me a great big hug that was even sweeter than words!  Wishing all the US mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers, a very happy Mother's day today! 

Anxiously awaiting her picnic lunch

Fulham Palace Cafe

Exhausted after a sunny, fun-filled afternoon on
the lawn at Fulham Palace

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A long weekend

Thanks to the royal wedding and a bank holiday, Lulu and I got to spend 4 fun-filled days with Papa this weekend!  We wish every weekend could be a long weekend ...

Out in the back yard waiting for Papa to bbq lunch

With Papa enjoying a Pimms on the lawn of Fulham Palace

After eating lunch in Parson's Green